Pulpit Freedom Movement

Pulpit Freedom MovementAny City, Nationwide –

Alliance Defending Freedom presents “Pulpit Freedom Movement” as pastors are again being called to stand up for their religious freedom by speaking from their pulpits about “political” issues. This annual event, sponsored by the Alliance Defending Freedom, is designed to “restore fundamental freedom of speech and freedom of religion rights in America’s pulpits.” As Jim Garlow, Senior Pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego, observes, “What we used to call biblical we now call political.” Watch this short video in which he explains how pastors’ speech became repressed in America but how the IRS in the last 60 years has never followed through in enforcing their threats against what pastors may or may not say. Learn more about Pulpit Freedom Sunday and how your pastor can participate in it.

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Oct 18 2018


10:30 am - 1:30 pm


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