Being pro-life means being anti-racism

Jaclyn HakeBlog

Written by: Olivia Carr With the growing momentum of racial justice movements over the past few months, numerous organizations have been exposed for ways they have perpetuated racial discrimination and …

Cultural Suicide

Thomas RudkinsBlog, News, Press Release

Think of what motivates major cultural movements today: decisions to terminate a pregnancy, global warming alarmists, the demagoguery of cable news and local leaders and the over-population zealots.  What is the common denominator?  It is all fear based. 
From Genesis 15:1 to Hebrews 13:6: (“So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”) we have learned what it takes to build and sustain Christian culture.

National Human Rights Month: Recognizing the Humanity of the Human Fetus


December is National Human Rights Month – a time to recognize and protect the rights of each human being. The pro-life movement isn’t just pro-baby or pro-birth. It’s about respecting …