Thank you for making a difference for Life!
Please consider supporting Options United as Your Support Will Save A Child!
By joining with Options United you are saving lives — little, innocent children born who would have otherwise suffered the atrocity of abortion.
Options United, with your support and prayers, is reaching mothers at a vulnerable decision point with help, counseling, information, love, and life-saving options. And we know that it takes $76 to save a life.
$76 is all it takes for a mother to choose life.
Options United uses an unparalleled digital marketing strategy to connect with women by them help exactly where are asking for it: on the Internet. Our digital ads are specifically focused on women seeking abortions, and Options United offers these women hope by giving them a person to talk to.
When a woman reaches out to our call center she is greeted by trained responders where a dialogue takes place; a life saving dialogue. The trained responders offer counseling and help these women choose life. We engage in more than 10,000 calls a year on average! On the call Options United offers an immediate referral for free medical services to the nearest pro-life pregnancy clinic.
Options United’s strategy is really simple: digital ads + counseling calls + strategic partnerships with pregnancy centers = lives saved. And this strategy has already saved the lives of over 2,000 innocent children!
We need your support and prayer right now! We cannot wait any longer. In the time it took you to read this page the world has already lost 35 precious, innocent lives to abortion.
Don’t delay! Let’s work together to save the lives of the innocent unborn!!
Thank you for making a difference!!
Other Ways To Give
Mail In A Check
Make checks payable to “Options United” and mail to PO Box 2040, Orange, CA 92859
Support Adoptions United
A program designed to help moms choose adoption over abortion.