By the time you read this a baby will lose its life

A baby is aborted every 30 seconds. That means that right this moment, a woman is about to get an abortion. She is afraid and scared and doesn’t know who to call.

She sees all the Planned Parenthood flashy ads and thinks that is her only option.  So she calls an abortion clinic not knowing there is another way.

Give her an option. Give her Options United.

Options United works with pregnant mothers and connects them to local pregnancy support so she can choose life.

This strategy has already saved over 2,000 lives!

Take the 30 seconds before another child is lost. Give women the true option of life.


Will you be the difference for a single child?

Other Ways To Give

Mail In A Check

Make checks payable to “Options United” and mail to 14622 Ventura Blvd Ste 2076 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

Support Adoptions United

A program designed to help moms choose adoption over abortion.

I Support Life!