Questions about giving

Thomas RudkinsBlog

Being an integral part of Options United mission of helping mothers choose life shouldn’t be difficult. Therefore, I’ll keep it short and will explain the three most common questions we receive about giving.

I’m pro-life and want to support an organization but I’m not sure which one to support—why should I choose Options United?

Our mission is to streamline marketing efforts of pro-life organizations so that the pro-life movement as a whole can make a bigger impact. Essentially we’re here to make sure all pregnancy resource centers and clinics are on the same team in terms of marketing efforts instead of competing against each other. When we work together, we’re able to reach more women thus saving more lives!

I don’t have any room in my budget to donate
My finances are currently tied up in other endeavors.

Small amounts add up. If you were to calculate a recurring monthly donation at an amount of $100 or less over 12 months it becomes much more significant.

If you do not have current funds to transfer into a donation there are other options such as stocks or even real estate. This can also be done at anytime such as if you wanted to leave a legacy donation.

What is the difference between PLIF and Options United?

The Pro-Life Impact Foundation (PLIF) is a condensed mission of uniting pregnancy resource centers and clinics. Options United’s mission has proven to be successful in the geographical areas in which it has been implemented that we designed an efficient method to apply the same process to other areas. You may choose to donate simply to PLIF or specify what geographical area you’d like to make an impact in through franchising.